Born: 25 Oct 1955, St Mary's Hospital, Marianhill, Pinetown, Natal, South Africa
Died: 16 Jun 2023, 10 Crown Eagle Place, Kloof,
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa at age 67
He was
baptised on 13 May 1956 in St John's, Pinetown, Natal,
South Africa.
He started work as
a Fitter machinist, went on later to be a senior sales consultant for mechanical seals used in refineries throughout Africa.
Michael married
We will always miss you Mike! Click to hear the tribute by the King Shaka Regiment Pipe Band at his memorial.
(Highland Cathedral, Cock of the North and Green Hills)
I have built this page in memory of my brother, Michael, who sadly passed away in June 2023, after a short struggle with cancer.
To Mike, family was important and when, in the Scottish traditions of the family, he learnt to play the bagpipes, he made his parents extremely proud. By the time he was 14, Mike was playing in the Montclair Pipe Band, which later became the Durban Regiment Pipe Band, and recently as the King Shaka Regiment Pipe Band (after the name of the regiment was changed). His passion for his piping was a lifelong one and he played at many family and other occasions.
Mike had numerous interests in his life, camping, fishing, beekeeping, propagating various plants, motorbiking, marine fish, his Lotus 7, collecting an eclectic mix of historic items and, of course, his bagpipes. He loved working with his hands fixing and making things. Somehow he managed to incorporate his incredible skill for making things into most of his interests. He made bagpipes comparable to the best you could get; he fabricated parts for his Lotus 7; he improved components on his caravan; he repaired and made bits for his collection of antique lamps; he built off road trailers for camping; and he even made
trout fishing reels that would be the envy of any fisherman, with every component self-crafted. He was a perfectionist and was meticulous and precise about every detail of his crafts.
I was blessed to have Michael as my brother. We will all miss him
Click image for a video of Michael Munro playing the
pipes at our mother's 90th Birthday.
(Green Hills, Skye Boat Song, Itchy Fingers and Flower of Scotland)
Mike in his full dress band outfit
Tributes to Mike:-
From stepson, Darryl.
Michael was a humble man, he never liked to be the center of attention. In life and now in death, he wouldn’t want us to focus on him. He wouldn’t want us to focus on the sadness of his death, but instead focus on the happiness in our lives. He would want us to appreciate each other and our future.
I feel so grateful to have had as much time with Michael as I did. I miss him so much already and I will forever remember having the most incredible stepdad. Michael played such an important person in my life and I feel heartbroken to no longer have him here with us. He was my greatest support and he told me I could achieve anything I put my mind to. He taught me the importance of discipline and hard work.
I will especially miss our conversations, he was a great listener, and he was someone with whom I could speak to about anything and ask him questions about any mechanical work without being afraid of being judged. You always offered me pieces of advice which I learnt from. Shelley will miss his famous saying “Shelley, where’s my Chelsea buns!!”
When Michael’s 2 x grandchildren Brodi & Chelsea arrived into this world, this definitely put a smile to his face! At first he wasn’t too sure about having little ones around him however, it didn’t take long for him to love them unconditionally! Michael was their ‘Pop-pops’ and it showed how much they loved their Pop-pops around them.
From when the day arrived for our family to immigrate to New Zealand, this had to be the hardest time of our lives having to say ‘goodbye’ to our Mum & Michael especially the kids. However, we will always be grateful and cherish those memories from when my Mum & Michael made time to come out to New Zealand on 2 occasions to spend time with us. We are so grateful that we have so many wonderful memories to hang on. Not only were you a role model to myself but also a friend.
There are no words to express how much we will miss you as you will live in our hearts forever. You changed our lives in countless ways & you stood by us in good times and bad times. Michael will never be forgotten, he’s in my thoughts on every task I do. He taught me to be precise in what I do and has molded me into who I am today. He’s an absolute LEGEND! Thank you for everything
We will always love you Dad and Pop-pops….until we meet again.
Love from your New Zealand family: Darryl, Shelley, Brodi, Chelsea & Diesel
Parting wishes to Michael from stepson, Paul
I met Michael when I was 14 and he had been dating mum for a little while. At the time he was practicing for one of the many Durban Tattoo’s he participated in, and he turns up one day at our house in his kilt. Mum was all goggle-eyed and blushing and I was like ‘he is wearing a skirt!!! I am glad that at that moment I didn’t know the Scottish tradition that goes along with kilt wearing, mum was very happy to tell me that afterwards. Michael gave us tickets for that years’ Tattoo and after seeing him perform with the band, I will admit it, I was pretty impressed.
Knowing I was to join the army at 18, I joined the cadets and along with Michael’s experience it helped me be ok for when my service arrived and even made, me want to strive to be a paratrooper.
I am sure everyone knows him as Michael or Mike. There was a time when we all used to call each other Bob. At some point it started with Michael being Big Dork and me being Dork. He would say “Hey Dork, how about putting the kettle on” and we would eat biscuits (he loved his cakes and biscuits) and drink tea! My son Ryker is known as Lil Dork!
I have so many good memories of my time spent with Michael. It was so comfortable to be around him; we would discuss any topic. He was always doing something interesting, mainly tinkering in his shed and he never shied away from including me. We modified a pool pump for a fish tank, went snorkeling together to catch fish for his monster marine tank and had his motor bike stripped and balancing on the lounge coffee table.
Because of him I learnt so much, he was a perfectionist, a true craftsman, and had a witty sense of humour, I looked up to him. To this day thanks to him I am an expert with a shovel, mixing concrete, have a great love for marine tanks, biscuits and tea.
Although Michael wasn’t one for openly expressing his affection, every time he used my nick name over the past 34 years, I knew I was important to him, that he cared for and loved me. It goes without saying the impression he has made on me is that of a father figure, who I loved and respected. Thank you for being such a great influence in my life Michael, Loni, Damon, Ryker and I will miss you
I will be forever grateful to Michael for taking such good care of and loving my mum, and for finally marrying her. Big Dork you made her so happy, thank you!
We wish we could be there to cheers Michael with you all. We will be celebrating him over here in Australia.
To Michael!!
From Warren Knowler. ex SAPREF Refinery Rotating Equipment and Workshop staff member.
To Paula and the family, my heartfelt condolences to you at the passing of Mike. It just does not seem
fair, and I am so sorry for the pain that is in your hearts at this time.
I can't remember the exact year that I met Mike but I estimate it was around 1993. He ran the seal
refurbishment workshop at John Crane when they were still in Circuit Road Pinetown. The late
George lmpi wanted me to meet Mike, the guy who made it all happen behind the scenes. It is said
that first impressions are important, and Mike certainly made a good impression because I
remember that meeting to this day.
You know, -doing business -, people often come across as assertive, audacious, quick to tell you their
successes and achievements. That's business and I get that. But that wasn't Mike. When I walked
into his Workshop this skinny guy came over and quietly introduced himself. George was doing all the
sales talk and Mike graciously listened. You could immediately sense he was a man of genuine
character which revealed itself through his dedication, personal support and commitment at all
times of the week and night to the Sapref Workshop team over the coming years.
At that first meeting I even remember ending up at the old Kloof station for some steaks - and I think
a couple of beers; and Mike with his good sense of humour having a jab at George saying, "why must
I wait for a visitor before you take me for lunch!"
Mike didn't tell you how good he was, he just quietly got on and did it and ultimately showed you.
It must have been hard for Mike to move out from the Workshop. He preferred to do his thing
behind the scenes and having to go out on the road and deal with people would have been a
challenge. I can imagine the conversations his bosses must have had trying to convince him to step
out. But he did, and that started a 20 odd year Working relatfonship with the Sapref Workshop team.
The guys and girls really respected him because he invested time with them, and they quickly could
see that he was a man of integrity and genuine character.
When I spotted Mike in the Workshop it brought comfort because I knew whatever the problem was,
it was gettting sorted.
I loved our chats about stuff - his bagpipes, the stuff he was busy making, cycling, camping, family
and yes -sometimes work. He shared that friendly relationship with many of the Sapref team and I
am certain that it extended to other areas of his life that many here today can relate and agree too.
In all of that I can honestly not remember him ever boasting about his success or achievements, and
he was certainly skilled in a number of areas. He would more readily share his struggles or failures
and have a chuckle about them.
Who we genuinely are is finally what counts, nothing else. It's not our qualifications, the
trophies, the medals or the accolades but the person behind them that people respect. Mike will
be remembered for his humble genuine character.
Whether we believe it or not, the good Lord is in control of stuff. It may not seem like it but it's true.
Why Mike had to go early seems unfair. We don't understand it and it may even make us angry. But
the Lord is in control, He is gracious and will care and comfort those left behind.