Clan Munro CrestThe Munros of Pinetown

Their Families, Ancestors and connected families


Total number of individuals 5560
Total marriages with both spouses 1986
Total number of children 3606
Number of unique surnames 1478
Most Popular Surnames  
1. de Wet 251
2. Munro 228
3. Diack 201
4. Low 109
5. Glaeser 102
6. Le Sueur 62
7.Wyness 56
8. Cameron 54
9.Dearlove 50
10. Drake 47
Number of unique Locations 2879
Most popular locations  
1. Kilmuir-Easter, Ross and Cromarty 97
2. Inveruie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 73
3. Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope 70
4. Durban, Natal, South Africa 69
5. Pinetown, Natal, South Africa 66
6. Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 55
7. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa 53
8. Cape South Africa 49
9. Elie, Fifeshire, Scotland 48
10. Kemnay, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 46

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